With P90X creator Tony Horton at the Diamond Beachbody Coach Gala party in LA |
As many people know, I am proud to be a Beachbody Coach.
I just LOVE it! However, due to our adoption process and going independently, I've not been able to focus on it intensely.
And I've learned that adopting a child is VERY SIMILAR to having a birth child...life is thrown completely out of whack and regular workouts are a distant memory! I've heard it said that adopting an older child is just like having a newborn except that they don't lay down for a nap every 2-3 hours! RIGHT!!
Granted I didn't gain that dreaded pregnancy weight this time, but I have
really struggled to get time to workout as I had so regularly done before.
So... I decided to jump back in with a
Fitness Challenge that will stretch across the holidays like a big blanket of snow! I mean really--how many of us actually
WANT to gain that 5-10 pounds that are SOOOOO easy to pick up during Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years?
Do you know that if you do not decide to
lose weight during the holidays you will actually gain it? So if you do nothing, you are in effect
deciding to gain weight for Christmas!!!! Hey, please pass the fudge. ;)
Think about what it would be like to hit New Year's Eve and realize,
"I AM ALREADY LIVING LIKE I WANT TO," and your only resolution to be "keep it up?"
Not possible? Hmmmm. I think you can do it!
So, that's where this challenge is going to come in!! :)
I am offering to coach FIVE people over the holidays and into the New Year (to Grandmother's house we go!). We will develop a community of encouragement and accountability all striving to improve our health TOGETHER. This is a beta test group so there are going to be some requirements so we can get good results.
What are the requirements?
*You must be committed for 90 days. That stretch will look like mid-November through mid-February.
*You need to drink Shakeology daily. And we are hoping for that awesome new TROPICAL vegan flavor to come out in the first quarter of 2012!!!
*You must commit to a Beachbody program. Nearly all programs are 6 days a week of exercise. Some are 5. The daily time commitment is usually 45 - 60 minutes.
*You must be on Facebook. The reason for this requirement is that I want to have all of us in a private group together where we can build relationships, encourage and stay accountable.
*I will
recommend that people log their nutrition into an online fitness app like MyFitnessPal. We can all "friend" each other there and stay accountable that way too!
Now for some good news!
November 1, 2011 Beachbody will release the "Challenge Packs" which include:
* a home direct order of Shakeology,
*a fitness program of your choice,
* 1 free month of the Beachbody Club (The Club includes an awesome meal planner and other great weight loss/fitness related tools).
There are three packs to choose from but since they have not been officially released, I cannot post which fitness programs are in which pack. However, the prices are in the neighborhood of $160 for the beginning programs up to $205 for the more advanced programs. Each pack will come with free shipping and will also save on the whole cost from $25-$45 (than if you ordered Shakeology and the fitness program separately). :)
If this sounds like something you are ready to COMMIT to...then add a comment to this post and let me know. I will not publish your comments. Supply me with an email and if we aren't already Facebook friends, then request me or give me your page in the comment and I'll look you up.
I'm excited to see who God brings together for this challenge and I'm ready to kick myself back into gear after our adoption!
Holiday weight gain? Not me!! Not YOU! ;)