Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Is Matthew Yours?

Dear friends, nothing breaks my soul more than when a treasured orphan ages out.

In China, it's young.

Age 14.
(Can you fathom never having your heart trained for life and being pushed out on your own at age 14?!)

After that  14th birthday...a most dreaded birthday as an unwanted and unchosen orphan...he or she is forever deemed "unadoptable" by the government of China. They will never be able to become a son or daughter. There's way to much "UN" in that sentence.

Oh. My tears come again.

Dear Matthew is a boy in danger of this fate. He lives in China and is so dear. Watch his video. He is PRECIOUS!

Is he yours??

If so, please do not waste a MINUTE MORE!!! His 14th birthday is marching towards us quickly! Today is May 1st and his birthday is in SEPTEMBER!!!

Do not walk, RUN TO CHINA to scoop up this love!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Amy! I am in tears! If only we met the age and financial requirements for China.... We will be praying for his family to come so quickly!


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