Friday, February 8, 2013

Prayer Alarms!

Passing on a little tip I learned from sweet Aunt Mary...

Use your smart phone as a tool to instigate prayer in your heart.

That's right.

Technology goes spiritual!! 

Here's what I did after her inspiration:

I set alarms on my iPhone for each of my children and my man.

Using their birth dates, I turned them into times--for example: Oliver's birthday is October 22nd, so I set an alarm for 10:22 am with the note, "Pray for Oliver" to pop up on my phone. I chose a fun drumming sound.

This alarm will repeat daily, so each day at 10:22 am I will be reminded whatever I am doing to pray for Oliver. Obviously, I can pray whatever comes to my mind at that moment or for whatever activity he is currently doing or...I may go find him on the weekends and just hold him and pray for him.

This little handy idea has me shooting up a prayer for my most important people everyday AT LEAST ONCE.

(They truly deserve hours and hours of daily prayer, but if they want lunch, then we are going to settle for these little dart prayers! And yes, it is TOTALLY my goal to be praying for all needs while I do other tasks too...but reality is that I GET DISTRACTED EASILY and these little alarms are perfect for me!)

I've done this for each of my children (yes! including Toby!) and also my husband.

And I've also taken our anniversary and created a "pray for our marriage" alarm as well. I must say, that I haven't spent concentrated time praying about us like this. And really, those little one minute prayers  can really add well as have an impact on my heart.

How easy is it to have the alarm go off, pray for our marriage, then send off a little text message about how I adore him and can't wait for him to come home?

It's the little things.

And so, I thank dear Aunt Mary for modeling prayer using technology for me!

Who knows? Maybe my sweet friends who read here will do it too! What might happen in our lives and marriages if we add just little prayers each day?

I know I can't wait to see!!

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